Fixing Self-Tanner Goofs

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Once you find the perfect golden hue in a bottle, here are some tips to keep your self-tanner in place and looking its best. A great-looking bottle tan starts with preparation. When applied to skin that hasn't been exfoliated, self tanner can look uneven as dead skin sloughs off. Start your self-tan with exfoliation and shaving. Follow with a thin application of moisturizer to areas that tend to turn darker when self tanner is applied - elbows, knees and feet. The hydration will prevent those areas from absorbing too much tanner. If you find yourself winding up with streaks, then it might be a good idea to switch to a different brand that you can see as you apply it. Many have instant bronzing color that appears right away as you spray or slather it on. Uneven color - too much on your face, not enough on your back - can be solved by having a friend or spouse help you apply. Try a powder bronzer on your face - you'll find that if your face is the same dark tan as your body, you may tend to look older. If no one's around to help you, try the Body Buddy (www.bodybuddy.com), a lotion applicator that can help you get the hard-to-reach parts unassisted.